Monday, June 6

15 things you wish you knew about us.

the oldest (and coolest) gets to go first--

1. i am currently the only human being that has never eaten a pickle.
2. i wish that australia was my homeland.
3. my eyes are NOT brown. they may look it. but don't be fooled.
4. i dont like to dance; my body does not have one ounce of rhythm.
5. i think i have a medical condition called boycraziness.
6. justin bieber is currently my music of choice. don't judge.
7. i would rather hang out with my sisters & momma than any of my friends.
8. i'm easily excited by the sight of red nail polish.
9. i have a crush on a boy with a girl's name.
10. i prefer my dessert first.
11. i wish, more than anything, that i could have been alive in the 1940's.
12. my favorite thing to spend my money on is cute underpants.
13. someday i would like to own a horse. or two.
14. all things weddings = obsession.
15. hate hate hate when people chomp and slurp while they eat.


1.  i have a great relationship with my father in heaven.
2. i love the autumn times.
3. i secretly wish i could win american idol.
4. i have a lady crush on taylor swift.
5. i enjoy having my lips smothered in red lipstick.
6. and my nails greatly polished.
7. i think it would be great if i could marry a cowboy.
8. and live on a horse ranch.
9. but it would be greater to one day fall in love.
10. i blog often.


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